July is Anti-Boredom Month
July 4, 2020

With July’s midday summer heat making many of us seek cool shelter inside, some of us may be experiencing moments of boredom, but the good news is that July is Anti-Boredom Month!
Let’s start busting that summer boredom now!
Make a list of all the things you’ve ever wanted to do. Think back to when you were a child. Write all your ideas down. Simply creating your list may be a fun and silly anti-boredom activity!
When your list is ready, start checking off the completed activities. You’ll soon realize you’re not bored anymore!
Here’s some sample ideas to get your list started:
- Learn a new card game
- Draw a unicorn
- Organize boxes of family photos
- Try a new food
- Take a photograph of a rainbow
- Learn a new dance
- Paint with watercolors
- Complete an entire I-SPY or Where’s Waldo book
- Write a short story
- Start a collection/reminisce with a friend about an existing one
- Learn a new language
- Write a haiku
- Make a no-sew, tie-blanket
- Have a paper airplane throwing contest
- Try online karaoke
- Complete a 3000-piece puzzle